
Embryo is compatible with parameter routing and lazy Loading. There are followings steps:

If You want to set the path for the desired page , simply follow the following steps:-

Go to src > router.js and the path as :-

1- Firstly set the instance that you are going to use in setting the path as:-

// pages
const HomeV1 = () => import('./views/HomeV1');
const Accesory = () => import('./views/Accesory');
const Gadget = () => import('./views/Gadget');

2- Then lastly set the path

export default new Router({
	routes: [
			path: '/',               
			component: HomeV1 
			path: '/accesory',       
			component: Accesory 
			path: '/gadget',         
			component: Gadget 

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