Style Customization

Scss base approach will make a better customization in styling template

Design style customization

Kava is developed with Bootstrap 4 so its easy to change the styling for your app. It uses bootstrap variables along with some custom variables which provides you the more flexibility and control over design.

Changing Default Variables

Open _bootstrap-override.scss file under src/assets/scss/theme folder and change style variable values as per your requirement.

Change Theme Colors

In _bootstrap-overide.scss file find the following variables and Start with assigning color names to specific hex values.

$blue:    #4253FF !default;
$indigo:  #6610f2 !default;
$purple:  #7800E0 !default;
$pink:    #6D0303 !default;
$red:     #F41243 !default;
$orange:  #FF4646 !default;
$yellow:  #FF9B0B !default;
$green:   #10CC2F !default;
$teal:    #D9F762 !default;
$cyan:    #17a2b8 !default;

You can change the font size , text color and other various elements variables as per as your requirements.

Custom Variables

According to the kava design we made some own variable to give full control over this template.

Open _custom-variables.scss file under src/assets/scss/theme and change the variable.

2.0 Custom Variables

/*=============|Custom Colors|===============*/

$primary-gradient: linear-gradient($purple 0%, $purple-400 100%);
$secondary-gradient: linear-gradient(0deg, $orange 0%, $yellow 100%);
$success-gradient: linear-gradient($green 0%, $teal 100%);
$error-gradient: linear-gradient($pink 0%, $red 100%);

/*=======|SVG Colors|==========*/

$border-svg-1:#badaff ;
$border-svg-2:#FFF3E6 ;
$border-svg-3:#F4F4F4 ;
$svg-gray:#FBFBFB ;
$svg-service-grid: #f0e9fa;
$svg-service-grid2: rgba(theme-color(dark),0.18);

/*=========Slick  Color========*/ 

$slick-dots-def: #DDDDDD;

/*==========Conatct Sec Font=========*/


/*===========Footer Section===========*/

$bg-primary-after-color:rgba(theme-color("primary"), .7);
$footer-social-icon: $dark ;

/*Secondary Font family*/


/*=============|Theme variables|============*/

$theme-box-shadow: 0 20px 50px 0 rgba($dark,0.07);
$theme-transition: all 0.3s ease;
$grid-item-space: 1.875rem;

/*==============|Margin and Padding Custom variables|==============*/ 

$mp-value-1:0.75rem !important;
$mp-value-2:2rem !important;

/*===============|Pages Banners Common Properties|===============*/

$banner-height: 400px;

/*===============|About Page Varibale|===============*/


/**===============|Service Items |====================*/


/**===============|Header Menu |====================*/

$submenu-box-shadow:0 20px 50px 0 rgba($primary,0.076);

/**===============|Banner Overlay Color|====================*/

// $banner-overlay-color:linear-gradient(180deg, rgba($purple, 0.555) 0%, rgba(#7212f4, 0.733) 100%);
$banner-overlay-color:linear-gradient(180deg, rgba($purple, 0.755) 0%, rgba(#7212f4, 0.33) 100%);

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