Folder Structure

Once you download the template from ThemeForest, you will find the below folder structure in the package

Folder Structure:


The distribution (production) version of Vuely


The online documentation link of vuely that you reading right now.

It has some helpful steps to start project.


Contains the seed version of Vuely Material Admin Template.


Contains the development version of Vuely Material Admin Template. The main theme that your are saw on demo url.

In this folder there are lots of subfolder and files are there. To more understand check out the following:

├── vuely          # Contains the development version of Vuely Material Admin Template.
  ├── public       # Contains static assets and index.html
  ├── src          # Source Directory
    ├── api                  # Include App APi
    ├── assets               # Include App Assets and Styles
    ├── auth                 # include Auth
    ├── components           # Include App Components
    ├── constants            # Include Constants
    ├── container            # Include App Layouts
    ├── firebase             # Firebase
    ├── helpers              # Include helpers methods
    ├── lang                 # Include app localize strings
    ├── lib                  # Include app lib
    ├── router               # Include app routes
    ├── store                # vuex store
    ├── themes               # Include App themes
    ├── views                # Include App views
    ├── App.vue              # App.vue
    ├── globalComponents.js  #include global components
    ├── index.js             # Entry point
  ├── tests        # tests directory
  ├── browserslistrc        # browserslistrc        
  ├── babel.config.js       # babel.config.json 
  ├── package.json          # package.json
  ├── package-lock.json     # package-lock.json
  ├── postcss.config.js     # postcss.config.css
  ├──             #
  ├── .gitignore            # gitignore
  ├── vue.config.js     # Webpack Config


Contains the laravel version of Vuely Material Admin Template.


Contains laraval passport authentication for login and other session authentication


Vuely laraval seed, Contains the seed version of Vuely laraval version.


Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.


Contains angular version files and folders

Last updated