
The v-tabs component is used for hiding content behind a selectable item. This can also be used as a pseudo-navigation for a page, where the tabs are links and the tab-items are the content.

    <v-tab>Item One</v-tab>
    <v-tab>Item Two</v-tab>
    <v-tab>Item Three</v-tab>
// Tab with content
<v-tabs fixed centered>
 <v-tabs-bar class="cyan" dark>
   <v-tabs-slider class="yellow"></v-tabs-slider>
     v-for="i in items"
     :href="'#tab-' + i"
     {{ i }}
     v-for="i in items"
     :id="'tab-' + i"
     <v-card flat>
       <v-card-text>{{ text }}</v-card-text>

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