
Embryo is compatible with parameter routing and lazy Loading. There are followings steps:

Go to src >> app >> and open app.routing.ts file and add routing like this:-

{ path: 'about/:keyword',component: AboutComponent }
{ path: 'cart', component: CartComponent }

For Reference:

1. Router navigate with params

If you want to use this routing in component. then go to src >> app >> and open component.ts file then do the followings:-

a) Add the the routing at top of the file like this:

import { Router} from '@angular/router';
constructor(private router: Router){}

b) Add in your desire component and add these line of code in your function:- For Example:-

  this.router.navigate(['/about'], { queryParams: { keyword: 'Test' } });

For Reference :-

When the HTML element with RouterLink binding is clicked then the CSS classes bound with RouterLinkActive will be active. These directives are used are follows.

<a routerLink="/cart" routerLinkActive="active-link">Cart</a>
<a [routerLink]="['/cart']">Cart</a> 

For Reference :-

3. Lazy Loading

Lazy Loading in Embryo we need to create a routing module and a module for that component.

  1. Go to src >> app >> and open app.routing.ts file and add routing like this:-

  path: 'products', 
  loadChildren: './Products/Products.module#ProductsModule'

2. Inside the products module routing, Go to src >> app >> Products and open Products.routing.ts file and add routing like this:-

{ path: '', component: ProductsListComponent }

For Reference :-

Last updated