Instant Search With Algolia

React-Instant Search makes it easy to design the perfect search experience using pre-packaged search components or creating your own!

We have used shop page example to integrate instant search. There is a lot of other pre-made demo examples on the official doc. In Embryo-ReactJS you can see the demo on this url

Getting Started:

Step 1: Create an account on Algolia.

Step 2: After Signup you will get the 14 days trial and you will update the plan according to your requirements. Reference Link :

Step 3: Create an Index on Algolia Dashboard by clicking on the indices tab from the left menu and then clicking on create index button. Please check the screenshot below for reference:

Step 4: Add your products fields with values under the newly created Index.

Step 5: You need to change your app name in the manage applications page. Just open the given url, edit the app and give your app a name. This app name is used in the template.

Step 6: Now open the API keys tab from the left menu and copy the Search-Only API Key , now open the src->constants->AppConfig.js file from the template and paste the credentials in the apiKey, indexName with the index you have created & appId with the app name you have given to your app in step 5.

 * App Constants

export default {

   //algolia configuration
   algoliaConfig: {
        appId: "<app name>" // created in step 5
		apiKey: "<api key>" // copied in step 6
		indexName: "<index name>" // created in step 3


To get more information about algolia instant search check the official document.

Last updated