Once you download the template from ThemeForest, you will find the below folder structure in the package
Folder Structure:
Reactify provides two variants for development, they are based on 2 most widely used middleware.
Reactify (redux-saga)
Redux Saga is a middleware library that aims to make application required functions (i.e. asynchronous things like data fetching and impure things like accessing the browser cache) easier to manage, more efficient to execute, easy to test, and better at handling failures.
Reactify (redux-thunk)
Redux Thunk middleware allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action. The thunk can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met. The inner function receives the store methods dispatch and getState as parameters.
Brief Explanation about Folder Structure:
The distribution (production) version of Reactify.
The online documentation link of Reactify that you reading right now.
It has some helpful steps to start project.
Contains the seed version of Reactify - ReactJS/Redux Admin Template.
Contains the development version of Reactify Admin Template. The main theme that you see on demo url.
The folder contains lots of subfolder and files. For more information check out the following:
├── dist # The distribution (production) version of Reactify
├── reactify-redux-thunk # Contains the development version of Reactify Material Admin Template with Redux Thunk.
├── public # Public / Contains index.html
├── src # Source Directory
├── actions # Include All Redux Actions
├── api # Api
├── Auth # Auth 0 Service
├── assets # Static assets, styles, icons, etc...
├── components # App Components
├── constants # Contains App Settings
├── container # Include App Layouts
├── firebase # Include Firebase Config
├── helpers # Include Helpers
├── lang # Include App Locales
├── lib # Include App All Css Files
├── reducers # Include App Reducers
├── routes # Include App Routes Modules
├── services # Include Routes of the Components
├── store # Stores the Data
├── util # Include Utility Components
├── index.js # App Entry File
├── App.js # App Container Wrapper
├── package.json # package.json
├── package-lock.json # package-lock.json
├── README.md # README.md
├── .eslintrc # eslint
├── .babelrc # babel
├── .gitignore # gitignore
├── webpack.config.js # Webpack Config
├── reactify-redux-saga # Contains the development version of Reactify Material Admin Template with Redux Saga.
├── public # Public / Contains index.html
├── src # Source Directory
├── actions # Include All Redux Actions
├── sagas # Include All Authentication Methods
├── package.json # package.json
├── seed # Contains the seed version of Reactify Material Admin Template.
├── reactify(redux-thunk) # Contains the seed version of Reactify Material Admin Template with Redux Thunk.
├── reactify(redux-saga) # Contains the seed version of Reactify Material Admin Template with Redux Saga.
├── documentation.html # Contains the documentation of Reactify Material Admin Template.
├── Reactify_sketch_source.zip # Contains the sketch files
Contains the laravel version of Reactify Admin Template.