Build an App from Scratch

Please follow the below documentation to learn how you can build an app from the scratch.

Please follow the below documentation to learn how you can build an app from the scratch.

You can easily build your app from scratch, just follow the steps given below:

  1. Copy the project files from the downloaded ThemeForest project.

  2. Open terminal and go to the root directory and then run npm install.

  3. After installing npm then run npm start.

  4. Open your browser and access http://localhost:3000.

Integrate New Widget

Please follow the Adding New Widgets section to learn how to add new widgets in the template.

Integrate New Component/Page

For seed project:

By default seed project contains dashboard page means you can easily build your dashboard.

If you want to add some pre-made components or pages then follow below steps:

Step 1: Copy the page template from reactify-redux-thunk->src->routes of downloaded ThemeForest files and paste it into under the your-app-directory->src->routes directory.

Step 2: Now you need to define the route in the your-app-directory->src->services->_routerService.js file. Let us take an example of adding simply a Pages component that adds a blank page in your template. Also you need to import the component in the desired area like in the code given below:

import Dashboard from 'Routes/dashboard';

// Import the component here
import Pages from 'Routes/pages';

export default [
		path: 'dashboard',
		component: Dashboard
	// Newly Added Component
		path: 'pages',
		component: Pages

Step 3: Open the file components->AsyncComponent->AsyncComponent.js and define the component in the async components and export it in the area defined in the given code snippet.

 * AsyncComponent
 * Code Splitting Component / Server Side Rendering
import React from 'react';

// Define the Pages Component
const AsyncBlankComponent = Loadable({
   loader: () => import("Routes/pages/blank"),
   loading: () => <RctPageLoader />,

export {
    // Export it here

Step 4: That’s it if you navigate http://localhost:3000/app/pages/blank . The page has been build successfully.

If you want to add some new components by your own, then follow the steps mentioned below:

Please check this Adding Menu/Component In Different Layouts section to get detailed information on this.

For complete template:

If you are using the complete template then you are able to add only new components or pages & for that you have to follow the below mentioned steps:

Please check this Adding Menu/Component In Different Layouts section to get detailed information on this.

Integrating Menu

If you want to add menu items then please check this section Adding Menu/Component In Different Layouts for the detailed information.

Last updated